Sunday, November 8, 2009

Strawberry Swing MV

The music video for Cold Play's single "Strawberry Swing" tells an age-old story of how a super hero attempts to fight the evil villain to rescue the damsel in distress. Created by a group of London-based artists Shynola, this epic story is so retro that it actually feels kinda cool in a way. The stop-motion used here is quite amazing. It blends the real actor with the chalk drawn backgrounds so well that I often forgot it is really just a guy standing/lying on top of the ground, and instead got really engaged with the story and visuals.

Cold Play的新歌"Strawberry Swing"的MV裡有個超級英雄, 為了解救被困住的公主而試著去打敗壞蛋. 由於故事實在是太老套了, 老套到讓我覺得反而有點復古, 新鮮的感覺. 這是個由倫敦的Shynola團體製作的逐格動畫. 讓我覺得很厲害的地方是, 它把一個真人扮的主角和用粉筆畫的背景完美的融合了一起, 使得我感覺好像在看一部精采的電影, 而常常會忘記那其實只是一個人站在/躺在一片柏油地上.

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