Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Make Yourself

I have never seen such a cool commercial for a college. Make Yourself is a spot for a university in Chile created by a Chilean studio DAf. The colorful paint splashes and drips across the screen and form into human figures, as if these people are the invisible men gradually revealed by the paint. Also check out the making of narrated by an overly enthusiastic and dramatic narrator.

從來沒看過一個那麼酷的大學廣告. Make Yourself (創造自己)是一個智利的公司DAf幫一所智利大學製作的廣告. 色彩繽紛的顏料在銀幕上四處飛濺, 而後形成人的樣子, 好像是隱形人被水彩給潑到, 而慢慢的露出了自己的樣子. 也看看這個超激動的旁白解說的幕後製作吧.

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