Monday, November 9, 2009

Slo-Mo Fire Breathing

A collection of slow motion video footage of fire breathing from the Vancouver-based fire artist Napalm Dragon. I love the details and the shifting textures of the fire, especially how it sometimes slowly creeps up toward the artists' mouth. Click here for the lower res but faster loading video.

一個在溫哥華的火焰藝術家Napalm Dragon在他的網站上放了一些超慢動作播出的噴火表演. 我很喜歡火焰製造出的效果和不斷變化的紋路, 尤其是有時火焰會慢慢的蔓延到噴火者的嘴巴那. 按這裡看比較小檔案,低畫質的版本.

1 comment:

  1. 你好,我有看到你在我的知識+發問的問題裡看到你所留的言,先敬佩你在夢工廠工作:)


