Sunday, November 15, 2009

Nokia: The Journey Starts Here

Looks like viral marketing is quite popular among cellphone related industry these days. Nokia has recently released a promo for their new phone N900 called "The Journey Starts Here", produced by The Mill. Apparently, this phone is so powerful, that it not only does everything other phones do, but it could also metamorphosis into other monstrous forms and creatures. Again, I am convinced that our cellphones are definitely quite evil on the inside. If you're impatient like me, just jump to 1:40 of the video. That's when all the boring talks stop and actions begin.

最近的手機業者似乎很喜歡用病毒式行銷這個手法.Nokia為他們的新手機N900所打的廣告"The Journey Starts Here"(旅程從這裡開始)是由The Mill製作.很明顯的,這個手機功能十分強大,不僅有其他手機都有的功能,還可以隨時變化成各種可怕的型體及外星生物.這讓我在一次覺得我們的手機真的是挺邪惡的.如果你跟我一樣沒耐心的話,就直接跳到影片1:40的地方吧.那差不多是主角們把無關的廢話說完,好戲上場的時候.

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