Monday, November 16, 2009


A friend of mine sent me a video of the concept design for a futuristic laptop - Rolltop. Designed by Orkin, this neat idea envisions the laptop being one giant, flexible touch-screen that can be "rolled up" like a scroll as oppose to folded up. Apparently, it can also function like a flat tablet or a monitor. Wish the next tablet from some fruit company could look like this...

我的一個朋友寄了一個未來筆電的概念設計影片Rolltop給我, 由Orkin 設計, 這個概念把筆電想像成一個超大又靈活的觸控式銀幕. 特別的是, 這個筆電是像一個捲軸"捲"起來的, 而不是一般的合併式. 這玩意似乎還可以當成平板電腦以及桌上銀幕使用. 希望某家水果公司的下一個平板電腦就是長這樣...

Thanks, Darson!

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