Stop-motion animation is really a labor of intense passion and dedication. a fellow Taiwanese student Bang-Yao Liu created the short "Deadline" for his senior project at Savannah College of Art and Design. To create this video he and his crew had to use about 6,000 post-it notes and 4 days of work to continuously stick and re-stick post-its all over the wall. The result is an interesting pixelated effect that reminds me of those retro Atari and Nintendo games of the 80's. Click here to watch the making of.
逐格動畫真的是很辛苦又費工夫啊. 一個名叫劉邦耀(謝謝Ru所提供的資料!)的台灣學生在Savannah College of Art and Design做了一部叫"Deadline"的畢業動畫. 為了這部短片, 他和朋友花了6000張Post-it便利貼和4天的時間不斷重複把貼紙黏上又摘下. 最後終於達成了有趣的低畫素效果, 感覺很像80年代的Atari或任天堂的遊戲畫面. 按這裡看幕後製作.
原來如此, 謝謝喽!!