Sunday, November 22, 2009

Plaid - Itsu

The vegetarians out there might like this video a lot, and as for everyone else... well, it really depends on your taste for weird and edgy films. Plaid is a British electronic duo who often makes musics for shorts and feature films. (Tekkon- kinkreet and Heaven's Door) Their MV "Itsu", is directed by Pleix, a group of French directors and artists who creates strange and provocative films that often have a social commentary. This video seems to be a criticism to how the cooperations chemically and genetically alter our food in order to bring in more profit, and human-beings, in the most primitive forms, are no different than the food they eat.

素食主義者應該會很喜歡這個短片, 而其他人呢... 就要看你們喜不喜歡有點怪異的片了. Plaid是一對英國的電子音樂團體, 常常會幫一些短片和電影做音樂. (Tekkonkinkreet 和 Heaven's Door) 他們的MV "Itsu" 是由法國的一個製片團體Pleix所做的. Pleix常常喜歡用他們的短片做社會批判, 而"Itsu"當然也不例外. 這片似乎是在講現今的食品公司, 為了利益, 常用化學和基因改造我們的食物. 而人類的原始型態和我們所吃的動物並沒什麼不同.

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