Thursday, November 5, 2009


when I watched these videos (and here's another one) of ferrofluid for the first time, I really could not believe what I'm seeing was real and not CG. According to Wikipedia, it is "a liquid which becomes strongly polarized in the presence of a magnetic field" and, apparently, creates some very interesting forms and movements due to that property. Sachiko Kodama, the creator of those videos, is one of the most prominent ferrofluid artists out there. There's also a commercial for Nestle chocolate that's obviously inspired by the fluid (which is in complete CG).

第一次看到這影片時(還有這另外一個影片), 我真的無法相信我正再看一個真實的物體, 而不是電腦製作出來的特效. 這東西叫Ferrofluid, 又翻"磁流體". 根據維基百科, 它"是一種在磁場存在時會強烈極化的液體." 也因為這個特性, 使它能夠產生如此有趣的形體和變化. 這些影片的製作人, 兒玉幸子, 是一個很有名的磁流體藝術家. Nestle 巧克力有一則廣告很明顯就是從這液體得到靈感的. (這廣告則是全部用電腦CG做的就是了)

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