Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Oktapodi is an animated short film from the students of a famous French academy Gobelins L'Ecole de L'Image. It is a cute little tale of love, adventure and drama involving two octopus lovers (although since they only have 6 legs, I should really call them hexapus?). Really gotta dig the great animation and the unique Greek environment setting that's used as part of the story-telling. This short has won multiple awards including an Oscar nomination for the Best Short Film as well as the Best of Show in SIGGRAPH 2008. Visit the official site here.

Oktapodi是一群在法國有名的藝術學院Gobelins L'Ecole de L'Image 的學生所做的動畫短片. 這是一個有關兩隻章魚情侶的愛情故事, 以及他們如何為了偉大的愛而逃過要宰掉他們的廚師之魔掌. 很喜歡這短片生動又靈活的角色動作以及利用很獨特的希臘背景作為故事場景. 這短片贏得了許多的獎項, 如奧斯卡最佳短片提名以及SIGRRAPH 2008的最佳作品等等. 按這裡進入官方網站

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