Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Sand Animation

Sand animation is a form of performance art that tells a story through drawing a series of images with sand. Kseniya Simonova, a sand artist performing at a Ukraine TV show "Ukraine's Got Talent", told a tear-jerking tale of war, love, and family through her hands and sand. Watching her perform feels a bit like seeing a magician doing tricks; with a few simple gestures or movements, Kseniya is able to transition from one artsy picture to the next with fluidity and beauty, all the while adding a little acting performance of her own. Click here and here to watch the other performances done by the same artist.

沙動畫是一種表演性藝術. 藝人利用沙連續畫出一連串的畫來描述一個故事. Kseniya Simonova 是一個沙動畫藝術家. 她在烏克蘭的一個電視節目"Ukraine's Got Talent"上, 運用沙和她的一雙手, 訴說了一個有關戰爭, 愛情, 以及家庭的一個感人費府的故事. 看她表演感覺好像是在看一場魔術秀一樣, 幾個簡簡單單的動作和手勢就把一幅畫很順暢又美麗地變換到下一幅. 在這之中順便也用肢體語言即興表演一翻. 按這裡這裡看她其他的表演.

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